Justinas Vilimas-1

Justinas Vilimas-2

Justinas Vilimas

Chief Software Architect

Justinas Vilimas has been programming since the early days of ZX Spectrum computers. His passion for game development and computer graphics led him to sign a game publisher contract while still in high-school. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from Vilnius University, he worked on game and application development for mobile and desktop platforms. In the 10 years of his working career he co-founded multiple companies and performed contract work for leading developers in the area. Work included desktop and mobile programming, project management, electronics and hardware development. One of the co-founded companies - “Pixel Punch” is a successful business specializing in game development and augmented reality projects for clients such as RedBull, Passion Pictures and Nike Football. In his last co-founded and VC funded company, “TableAir” - a smart office solution developer and manufacturer, he worked as a CTO with a talented group of people on software and hardware development and manufacturing.

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